5,412: Sustainability Committee

Last Revised: February 2010

The Sustainability Committee recommends policy and reports to the president through the executive vice president & provost. The ongoing charge of this committee is to:

  • Assist in the preparation of the Climate Neutrality Plan
  • Prepare an annual greenhouse gas inventory
  • Recommend amendments to the Environmental Policy and other university policies as appropriate
  • Develop processes for sustainability
  • Demonstrate feasibility for achieving environmental sustainability
  • Educate the members of the university community on environmental issues
  • Help identify funding for sustainability projects
  • Assist with implementing measurement technology
  • Monitor and report on progress

Members of the Sustainability Committee include:

  • Four (4) faculty members nominated by Faculty Senate, in consultation with the executive vice president & provost
  • One (1) classified staff member nominated by the Staff Employees Council
  • Two (2) members from Facilities Services nominated by the vice president for Administration & Finance
  • One (1) member from Parking and Transportation Services nominated by the vice president for Administration & Finance
  • The vice president for Administration and Finance, or his designee
  • One (1) member from Environmental Health & Safety nominated by the vice president for Research
  • One (1) member from the Academy for the Environment, nominated by the vice president for Research
  • One (1) member from Student Services, nominated by the vice president for Student Services
  • Two (2) student representatives, one each nominated by ASUN and GSA
  • The Sustainability Coordinator (currently Environmental Affairs Manager)
  • One (1) external member nominated by the vice president for Administration & Finance

The president, or designee, shall select the chair of the committee